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the Sip

Ne​w Albany

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August 17

2024 | 3-7P​M

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Av​ailable Now

Join us on Saturday, August 17th highlighting some of New Albany’s local

talent, along with celebrating local businesses, artisans and vendors, all while ​enjoying a sip of wine, cocktails and local craft beer.

Medium Weight Sleek Arrow


410 Pearl Street

New Albany, IN 47150

Light Weight Sleek Arrow

The facade

of New Albany’s historic ​Opera House will be our ​backdrop for the evening... ​On November 26, 1866 the ​curtain was raised for the ​first time at the New Albany ​Music Hall, ushering in the ​golden age of the theatre.

*this is an outdoor event, rain or shine.

What’s ​included ​with your ​ticket to ​the Sip?

SAVE the online fees by purchasing your ticket

at the WINE SHOP @ 410 Pearl Street

Craft Cocktail Sips

Light Weight Sleek Arrow with Curves

Wine Sips

Light Weight Sleek Arrow

Craft Beer Sips

Light Weight Sleek Arrow with Loop

but ​there’s ​more

Light Weight Sleek Arrow
Small Business

Ow​ners of the Community

Local New Albany business owners​ participating in the event ​

Food Knife Fork Plate Menu Food Logo

Fo​od & Demonstrations

Food demonstrations with local ​farm products, plus food ​vendors a​vailable for purchase.

Simple Flat Stable and Balanced Triangles

Ar​tisans & Vendors

Over a dozen artisans + ve​ndors wi​th sundries and more.

Want to get involved ​to support the Sip?

We welcome you.

New Albany Main Street is a 501C3 organization

Sponsorships | Volunteer Opportunities

Contact us:

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the Sip

Sp​onsors & partnerships